CALL NOW | TEL: +65-6765-3373
Fill in one simple form and we will do the rest
Get an answer within 2 Days
and await repair
Honest rates
Reliable rates from authorised insurance companies
Don't fret when you meet an accident!
Follow the simple instructions:
1. Check for injuries
2. Exchange Particulars with the other driver
3. Take photos of the scene without shifting cars (If only if it's possible)
This is what happens when you come to us:
A. We will submit accident report (SAS -Singapore Accident Statement) to the relevant authorities
B. Submit to respective insurance company
C. Submit claim against another party
D. Offer you a replacement car so it does not affect your daily transport
E. Waiting time of 2 days for claim to be established
F. Once confirmed, we will proceed with repair
G. Await updates for restoration
There is no need to fork out a single cent if the case is confirmed to be 100% liability